Youth engagement contract

Initiated by Pôle emploi and the local missions, the CEJ is a contractualized path of support towards employment and autonomy concluded with the State. Implemented in partnership with the AIME association, our project aims to enable one hundred young people aged 18 to 25, who are not students, do not follow a training course and present difficulties in accessing sustainable employment, to carry out a civic service mission.

Voluntary Territories

Carried out in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the Civic Service Agency, Cités Unies France, Regions of France, Departments of France and the Association of Mayors of France, the system makes it possible to significantly increase the number of international exchange and solidarity volunteers mobilized by local authorities. Our volunteers are currently in Senegal, Lebanon and Côte d'Ivoire, in partnership with various French local authorities (Tours, Cherbourg, Seine-Maritime, etc.).

Keep in touch with the Guild

To learn more together, our little ones pebbles digital by the roadside. 

and follow us on the networks

Relive the epic of the guild

To éclear the way in the light of legacies, some dates , here seal valuable moments.