Radio al-Salam, a tool for dialogue and reconstruction in Iraq

Radio al-Salam was born in Erbil, Iraq, in March 2015, in the midst of civil war and a period of massive population displacement suite to the rise of the Islamic State. This local radio broadcasting in Arabic and Kurdish to more than 5 million listeners continuously, embodies the hope of reconstruction in a region torn by conflict. As an independent and intercommunity media, it gives voice to the least heard populations – refugees, displaced people and those who have been able to return.

With a journalistic team from communities Christian, Kurdish, yézisay, Iranian and Syrian, Radio al-Salam promotes social reconciliation and living together by overcoming religious and ethnic divisions, providing a space for free expression and thus contributing to the effort of stabilization and dialogue within Iraqi society.

Developed by Radios Sans Frontières et managed by La Guilde, This project is supported by theŒuvre d’Orient, the French Development Agency and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Île-de-France regions. 

Radio Begum, a space for Afghan women

Radio Begum was created on March 8, 2021, with the aim of giving a voice to Afghan women in a period where everything is done to reduce and even cancel their presence in public space. Six days a week, Radio Begum broadcasts six hours of educational programs in Dari and Pashto languages. Various programs are also offered including topics on mental health, physical health counseling, spiritual counseling, literature and streaming of audio books for children and adults. Radio Begum represents one of the last opportunities for women to make their voices heard in the public space.

In 2022 and 2023, La Guilde supported Radio Begum in its development thanks to the support of the Crisis and Support Center (MEAE). Cécile Massie, project coordinator, visited the site in July 2022 alongside the Founder of Radio Begum Hamida Aman, and was able to follow the work of the 15 young women from the radio, in the studios as well as in the field.

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Relive the epic of the guild

To éclear the way in the light of legacies, some dates , here seal valuable moments.