Management department: from expertise to action

Support for micro-projects, sending volunteers to the four corners of the world, restoration of heritage in Iraq or Syria... None of this would be possible without the support of support centers essential to the realization of these initiatives. 

The management division, actors in the shadows, playing a driving role behind each of our projects. At the start of the year, we welcomed two new management controllers and a program manager, who put their acuity at the service of our various programs. This expansion of the division demonstrates the diversity and scope of our initiatives, underlining our commitment to carrying them out with precision and expertise, with a carefully thought-out distribution of our files between our management controllers and our program managers. 

Supported by our management-accounting apprenticeship, La Guilde gives the youngest the opportunity to learn alongside qualified people, characterizing a pole diversified in skills, profiles, ages. 

On the digital side, La Guilde can claim to be at the cutting edge. A transformation manager works with employees to provide them with ever more effective tools – essential to carrying out their missions. At her side, we find a digital project manager, redefining an essential tool for the Volunteering division, ensuring complete monitoring of International Solidarity Volunteering (ISV) missions. An expertise serving another expertise.  

Finally, this pole is led by a spearhead, who steers the boat with a master's hand, guiding his team, weathering the storms and braving the bad weather that could get in their way, without ever giving up. Although his punctuality is relative, he is always on time to respond to the numerous requests and requirements incumbent upon him.

Because what characterizes the permanent staff of La Guilde is their spirit of solidarity, teamwork and the sense of a job well done. Put our know-how at the service of everyone, at the service of all. 

Keep in touch with the Guild

To learn more together, our little ones pebbles digital by the roadside. 

and follow us on the networks

Relive the epic of the guild

To éclear the way in the light of legacies, some dates , here seal valuable moments.